How does VSMT benefit Horses?

Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy (VSMT), also referred to as “animal chiropractic” is a manual therapy that targets areas of muscle tension causing subtle misalignments in joints. The misalignment is referred to as subluxations; in this context a subluxation refers to a mildly abnormal relationship between two adjacent bones. There is a restriction in the joint mobility. The nervous system, muscles and bones are delicately intertwined to allow proper function, movement, and range of motion. VSMT can relieve the abnormal pressure and irritation of nerves and soft tissues that results from restricted areas of movement along the pelvis, back, neck, jaw and poll regions.

Chiropractic adjustments are gentle, short thrusts that are delivered in a controlled manner through a joint plane to stimulate muscles and nerves into a parasympathetic state, facilitating a “rest and digest” type relaxation of the nervous system and muscles. Animals are generally very receptive of VSMT and can benefit in multiple ways.

For initial assessment or acute situations, a series of three treatments spaced 1-2 weeks apart is recommended. For routine health and performance maintenance, most animals do well when assessed and adjusted every 6-8 weeks depending on their condition and competition schedule.

  • Maintenance therapy for equine athletes

  • Back, neck, and sacroiliac pain

  • General poor performance or pain behaviours

  • Uneven gait

  • Lack of impulsion

  • Poor attitude

  • Post-surgical or post-injection rehabilitation